VITAL C hydrating facial mist - Coming Soon
Your skin's new multitasking must-have: a vitamin C facial mist for all-day, every day hydration.
This lightweight mist hydrates on-demand, leaving skin with a velvety soft, dewy finish. With antioxidant vitamin C and luxe gold sub-microparticles, it helps to shield the skin against daily environmental stressors. The energizing formula features a naturally invigorating citrus scent that wakes up the skin with every spritz. The essential add-on to every routine, it primes the skin before makeup, locks in hydration and gives tired skin an instant pick-me-up anytime, anywhere.
The experience:
With its ultra-light texture and refreshing citrus scent, this facial mist delivers a boost of hydration and leaves behind an illuminating sheen.
Who it's for:
For all skin types especially those experiencing dry, dull and environmentally stressed skin
Part of our bestselling VITAL C collection, this face spray meets our clean clinical skincare™ standard and is formulated without parabens, phthalates, mineral oils, artificial fragrances, synthetic dyes or animal testing.
112 Comment(s)
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Thanks a lot for this blog.
Thank you very much for this blog.
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I am grateful for this informative blog
This blog has provided me with invaluable information; thank you.
I am grateful for the wealth of information provided in this blog.
This blog has provided me with great insights; thank you.
This blog has been extremely helpful; I appreciate it.
Thank you for the useful and informative content in this blog.
I am very thankful for the enlightening content in this blog.
I value the thorough and informative content shared here.
I appreciate the detailed insights shared in this blog.
I am grateful for this informative blog.
Thank you for providing such valuable information in this blog.
This blog has provided me with great insights; thank you.
I am very thankful for the extensive information you have shared in this blog. The valuable insights on watch repair are particularly appreciated, as they offer practical and thorough guidance for anyone in need of such services.
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Your blog has been an excellent source of information, and I am grateful for the valuable knowledge you have shared. The detailed discussions and professional tips on watch repair are particularly noteworthy and have greatly enhanced my understanding of the subject
Your blog is a treasure trove of valuable information, and I am grateful for the detailed insights you have provided. The in-depth knowledge and expert advice on watch repair have been particularly helpful and informative
This blog post stands out with its exceptional writing style and thorough information. The author clearly put in a lot of effort to present the content in an engaging manner. The details provided are not only informative but also easy to understand, making the post a valuable resource. It's refreshing to see such high-quality writing that captures the reader's attention while delivering useful insights. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this post and look forward to more from you.
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Absolutely loved this blog post! The insights were both practical and enlightening, providing clear steps to implement right away. The way you break down complex topics into digestible pieces makes it easy to follow and apply the advice. The examples used were spot-on and very relatable. Looking forward to more posts like this in the future. Keep up the excellent work, and thank you for sharing such valuable content with us.
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Excellent post! Your insights were both thought-provoking and easy to grasp. I enjoyed how you broke down complex ideas and provided practical advice. The examples you shared were particularly helpful. Looking forward to more content like this. Thanks for taking the time to share your knowledge and make the topic so accessible!
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This blog post is truly inspiring! Your insightful and detailed analysis is much appreciated. The passion you have for the topic is clear and motivates readers to delve deeper. It’s refreshing to find content that’s both informative and engaging. Keep up the excellent work; your dedication is positively impacting the community. I can’t wait to read more of your posts and learn from your unique perspective. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and encouraging others to join the conversation. Your contribution is invaluable!
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This article was fantastic! The fresh perspective and clear breakdown made the content easy to grasp. Your actionable advice and organized approach were incredibly valuable, and the personal stories added an engaging touch. Thanks for putting in the effort to create such a useful and enjoyable post.
Great job on your blog post! The information was presented clearly and engagingly. The practical tips you provided were exactly what I needed. It’s clear you put a lot of effort into this article. Thank you for sharing your valuable insights. I’m excited to read more from you.
I enjoyed this blog post immensely! Your perspective was both enlightening and practical. The way you break down complex subjects into manageable steps is truly impressive. The real-world examples helped to clarify the points further. It’s refreshing to see content that’s both interesting and actionable. Keep up the excellent work.
You did an outstanding job of unpacking the complexities of the topic with remarkable clarity. Your insights are both refreshing and thought-provoking, encouraging me to reflect deeply on the points you raised. The real-world examples you included made the concepts much more relatable and engaging. It’s not often that I encounter content that is both educational and inspiring, but you’ve accomplished that beautifully here. Thank you for sharing your expertise and perspective. I’m eagerly awaiting your next piece.
This blog post really resonated with me. The in-depth analysis and the thoroughness with which you approached the topic was both refreshing and enlightening. Many articles tend to skim the surface, but your work dives deep, providing a wealth of knowledge that is not only informative but also thought-provoking. The clarity with which you explain complex concepts is commendable, making them easily understandable even for those who might not be familiar with the subject.
What a stellar post! Your talent for making intricate topics clear and engaging is truly impressive. I appreciate the detailed analysis and the clarity of your writing. It’s refreshing to encounter well-researched and enjoyable content. I’m eager to read more of your articles—keep up the great work and continue sharing your valuable insights!
I was thoroughly impressed with this blog post. The writing is clear and engaging, making the information easy to follow and understand. The author’s expertise is evident in the detailed explanations and thoughtful insights provided. I love how the content is presented in a way that is both informative and enjoyable to read. This post is a fantastic resource for anyone looking for well-written and high-quality content. Kudos to the author for a job well done!
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our ability to simplify the complex is unmatched! Once again, you've delivered content that is both insightful and easy to understand, turning a challenging topic into something that's incredibly accessible.
I love how this blog highlights the effectiveness of small, manageable changes for big improvements! Simple actions like a daily walk or exploring a new hobby can rejuvenate our daily lives. The tips on nutrition and exercise are spot on for enhancing overall health and energy. It’s amazing how minor tweaks can lead to significant benefits. Thank you for these practical and inspiring ideas.
Your writing style is captivating, and you’ve managed to convey your thoughts with such precision and grace. It’s clear that you’re passionate about what you do, and that passion shines through in every word. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post, and I admire the balance you’ve struck between being informative and entertaining.
Thank you for this informative piece! I’ve been struggling with this topic for a while, and your blog offered the clarity I needed. Your step-by-step approach is exactly what I was looking for. Can't wait to apply these tips to my situation!
The article is effectively organized and offers a clear viewpoint. The analysis is both thorough and engaging, making the content accessible. I appreciate the thoughtful approach and depth of exploration provided. This piece stimulates further thought and provides useful perspectives. Thank you for contributing such a well-presented and enlightening post.
Excellent post! You’ve made a complex topic feel simple with your clear, concise explanations. The actionable tips and real-world examples are incredibly helpful. I’ll be bookmarking this to refer back to. Looking forward to reading more of your insightful content.
The article is engaging and well-structured. The analysis is thorough and offers a thought-provoking perspective on the subject. I appreciate the clarity of the presentation, making the ideas easy to understand and reflect upon. This piece certainly adds value and encourages further thought. Thanks for putting together such a compelling read.
This post is nothing short of absolutely stunning! Your creativity and passion are evident in every word, making your writing both captivating and meaningful. The originality and enthusiasm you bring to your work are truly impressive and inspiring. It’s clear that you’ve put a lot of effort into creating something exceptional, and it certainly shows. Thank you for sharing such a remarkable and imaginative piece of content!
Excellent post! Your ability to break down complex topics into simple, engaging content is impressive. I found your insights both informative and enjoyable. Looking forward to more of your great work.
The clear explanations and structured approach simplify the process for those who may not be well-versed in the topic. The guide's detailed nature showcases the author's extensive expertise, and it's evident she has put in great effort to make the content easy to grasp.
This blog is outstanding! Your advice and insights are exceptionally helpful and clearly presented. I admire how you simplify complex topics into easy-to-understand segments. Your engaging writing style makes learning enjoyable. Thanks for making your expertise so accessible and straightforward.
This is truly exceptional! Thank you so much for providing such valuable and insightful content. It’s exactly what I needed and more. The way you’ve explained everything makes it easy to grasp and apply. Your effort and care in putting this together are clear, and I deeply appreciate the time you’ve invested in helping me.
I can’t express how much your posts mean to me. They consistently make my day better and fill me with joy. Your positive and thoughtful content is always a highlight. Keep up the fantastic work. Each of your posts brightens my day, and I’m truly grateful for the positivity and inspiration you share. You make a real difference.
We're blown away by your talent and so grateful that you took the time to share your work with us. Your creativity and skill are truly remarkable, and it's clear that you have a bright future ahead. Thank you for being so generous in sharing your talent; it has inspired us and left us eager to see more!
This blog post provided an excellent overview of the subject matter. The information was well-organized and easy to digest, making for an enjoyable reading experience. The clarity and detail of the explanations were helpful in understanding the topic better. The practical tips and insights shared were valuable and applicable.
Excellent post! The organization of the content into clear sections makes it very reader-friendly. The examples provided are practical and help in better understanding the topic. Your writing is engaging and informative, making the content both enjoyable and educational. It’s evident that you've put thought into making the information accessible and straightforward. I appreciate how you’ve made complex ideas easy to understand. Thanks for sharing such insightful content in a clear and user-friendly manner!
Your post was insightful and well-organized. I appreciated the depth of analysis and the clear expression of ideas. It was engaging and thought-provoking. I look forward to reading more of your work and seeing how you develop these concepts further.
This was an incredibly enlightening read, and I must say, your ability to take complex topics and break them down into easily digestible insights is genuinely impressive. The clarity with which you present your ideas makes even the most challenging concepts seem approachable and understandable. Your expertise shines through in every word, and I sincerely thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge. It has made a significant impact on my understanding of the subject.
This post was quite useful and well-organised. I enjoyed how you approached each part of travel planning with clarity. The practical suggestions you offered were just what I needed to streamline my own planning approach. I'm excited to put these thoughts into action on my next voyage.
Your posts are like a breeze of fresh air, always bringing new perspectives and originality to the table. The clarity and creativity in your writing make every read a delight. I’m looking forward to your next post, eager to see what fresh insights you’ll share. Thank you for consistently delivering content that’s both engaging and invigorating.
I’m really struck by how engaging and insightful this post is! The author’s talent for breaking down complex concepts into relatable content is impressive. I found many of the perspectives shared to be spot-on. It’s always a pleasure to read something that’s both thought-provoking and easy to connect with. Well done.
This was a fantastic read! Your ability to explain things clearly is impressive. I found it very enlightening. Keep up the great work.
I love how this blog post captures such valuable insights! The way you explained the topic made it so engaging and easy to understand. It’s clear that a lot of thought went into this, and the examples were spot on. I appreciate the effort to share this information and make it accessible to everyone. Looking forward to more posts like this—keep up the fantastic work.
Loved this article! ???? Your advice on balancing work and life is something I’ve been striving for, and your practical tips are super helpful. I’m going to try implementing these strategies into my routine. Keep up the great work!
The latest post was absolutely fantastic! It was packed with insightful details and presented in a very well-structured manner. Your writing style not only makes the content engaging but also easy to grasp, no matter how complex the topic. Your talent for creating informative and compelling content shines through in every post. Keep delivering such high-quality work—it's both inspiring and highly appreciated!
This post is just what I was searching for! Your writing is sharp and clear, making the valuable insights you provide easy to understand. I’m eager to dive into more of your content and explore everything else you’ve written.
Absolutely loved this blog post! The insights you’ve shared are not only incredibly informative but also presented in such an engaging way. It’s clear you’ve put a lot of thought into making the content accessible and valuable. I especially appreciated the practical tips and relatable examples. Looking forward to exploring more of your work—keep up the fantastic writing! This is definitely going to be a go-to resource for me. Thanks for sharing!
Fantastic read! Your writing style is engaging and informative. I learned a lot from this post and can't wait to read more of your content. Thanks for sharing.
Greetings! I’m visiting your blog for the first time, and I must say, it’s a treasure trove of valuable information. We’re a team of volunteers working on a new project in the same niche, and your posts have provided us with the guidance we needed. You’ve done an excellent job of creating content that is both informative and easy to digest. Thank you for your hard work and dedication—it’s inspiring to see such quality content!
I just finished reading this blog, and I’m genuinely impressed! The insights are both enlightening and easy to grasp, making complex topics feel approachable. Your engaging writing style and thoughtful explanations are a breath of fresh air in the sea of content out there. I especially appreciated the practical tips and real-world examples—truly helpful! Keep up the fantastic work; I’m looking forward to your next post!
Great job with this blog post! You’ve made a difficult topic much easier to understand, and your writing style is very engaging. Keep producing such insightful and well-written content – it’s a joy to read!
This blog post was outstanding! The fresh and practical insights were delivered in a clear, user-friendly way, making the content easy to follow. I especially appreciated how the information was divided into digestible sections. Kudos to the author for creating such an informative and engaging post! I’m eager to read more like this.
It’s rare to find content that’s both engaging and simplifies tough topics so well. Your posts make learning such a positive and enjoyable experience. I’m grateful for how you make even the most complex ideas seem approachable!
I am grateful for this informative blog. I am waiting your great news.
I was really impressed by this post! Your refreshing insights resonate with me on many levels. The way you simplify complex ideas is so helpful and makes them accessible. I especially appreciated the examples you provided; they really brought the topic to life. Thank you for sharing your knowledge! I’m looking forward to your next article. Keep up the amazing work; your writing inspires and informs!
I truly enjoyed this post! Your insights are not only informative but also really engaging. It’s clear you put significant thought into this. I appreciate how you simplified complex ideas into easy-to-digest points. The examples made everything more relatable. I’m excited to incorporate some of these tips into my routine! Looking forward to your next article—great work!
I absolutely loved this post! The way you blend personal stories with universal themes is truly captivating. It made me reflect on how often we miss out on life’s little joys while rushing through our days. Your thoughts on embracing the ordinary are such a lovely reminder to appreciate each moment. Thank you for inspiring us to slow down and enjoy the simple things in life.
Your recent blog post was such a fantastic read! I was really impressed by how well-organized and easy to follow it was. You have a way of breaking down complex ideas and presenting them in a way that feels approachable and engaging. The examples you used were spot-on and really helped to clarify the points you were making. It’s clear that you’re passionate about the subject, and that enthusiasm shines through. I’m excited to see what you write next!
This post on sustainable living is so inspiring! Your practical tips for reducing waste are easy to follow and impactful. I love how you emphasize small changes that can lead to a big difference. The idea of a zero-waste challenge is brilliant and definitely something I want to try! Thank you for raising awareness about sustainability and encouraging us to take action. Keep up the fantastic work in promoting a greener lifestyle!"
This post was such a joy to read! You have a real talent for breaking down difficult topics in a way that’s easy to understand and fun to follow. Your insights were both enlightening and inspiring. The way you explained everything made it so simple to grasp, and I appreciated the personal touch you added. Your deep knowledge of the subject is clear, and your enthusiasm shines through. Thanks for sharing your wisdom; I can’t wait to read more!
Wow, I hadn’t thought of it this way before! Your post shed new light on a topic I thought I knew well. The examples helped illustrate the points clearly. Thanks for straightforwardly sharing such valuable information!
This was such an informative and enjoyable read! You’ve really mastered the art of making complex topics understandable. The way you explain things makes it easy for readers to follow along and stay engaged. I found your insights incredibly valuable, and I’m sure others will too. It’s always a pleasure to come across well-thought-out content like this. Thank you for the effort you’ve put into this post—it truly shows!
I loved this post! Your perspective on the issue is so insightful, and I appreciate the depth you brought to the discussion. It’s rare to find such a thoughtful analysis that also offers practical advice. The tips you provided are straightforward and applicable to daily life, which is a huge plus. Your examples really helped clarify the concepts, making them easy to understand. Thank you for sharing your expertise! I’m excited to see what other topics you’ll cover in the future.
What an impressive blog post! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and valued your fresh perspective on the topic. Your engaging writing style made it easy to grasp the key points. The practical examples you provided were incredibly helpful and relatable. It’s rare to find content that combines informative and thought-provoking elements, but you’ve achieved that balance. I’m looking forward to applying some of your ideas, and I’m sure many others will as well. Keep up the fantastic work—I can’t wait for your upcoming posts. This kind of content truly enhances the online community!
Your blog post was amazing! I loved how you explained the topic so clearly and thoughtfully. The insights you shared were both informative and inspiring, and the examples really helped simplify complex concepts. The practical tips were particularly useful. Your passion for the subject definitely shines through, making it a motivating read. I’m excited to see more from you!
I like the valuable info you provide in your articles. I’ll bookmark your weblog and check again here frequently. I am quite certain I’ll learn many new stuff right here! Good luck for the next!
This was an outstanding read! I appreciated how you broke down each concept in a way that was easy to follow and provided examples to illustrate your points. The structure of the post made the information flow smoothly, and your engaging writing style kept me interested throughout. It’s evident that you put a lot of thought into this piece, and I’m grateful for the insights you shared. Thank you for creating such a well-organized and insightful post!
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Hi there, just became aware of your blog through Google, and found that it’s really informative. I’m gonna watch out for brussels. I’ll be grateful if you continue this in future. Many people will be benefited from your writing. Cheers!
I like the valuable information you provide in your articles. I’ll bookmark your weblog and check again here frequently. I’m quite certain I’ll learn plenty of new stuff right here! Best of luck for the next!
This blog post really spoke to me! It’s incredible how much our daily experiences influence our viewpoints. The author's thoughts on the significance of mindfulness in our fast-paced lives hit home. I often find myself hurrying through the day, neglecting to take a moment to breathe and enjoy life’s little pleasures. The tips shared are practical and feel manageable, making it easier to integrate mindfulness into my routine. I particularly loved the idea of taking a few moments each day for reflection. It’s a straightforward yet powerful way to reconnect with ourselves. Thank you for these valuable insights.
Your thoughtful approach to discussing personal development is both refreshing and encouraging. I love how you highlight the significance of setting realistic goals and celebrating our achievements, no matter how small. It’s so important to recognize our progress, and your words serve as a gentle reminder to do just that.
I am truly impressed by your content. The passion you have for this topic is clear and makes your writing come alive. Your enthusiasm for the subject is palpable, making it both engaging and informative. Thank you for sharing your expertise. Keep up the great work. Your dedication to the topic is both inspiring and appreciated.
This blog post was just what I needed to read today. It’s organized, easy to understand, and packed with useful information. I love how the writing is accessible yet still informative. Thank you for covering this topic so thoroughly—it’s hard to find posts with this level of detail. I’ll be recommending this blog to others for sure!
This was such a well-crafted post! The way you present your ideas is both thoughtful and engaging. I really appreciate the care you’ve taken to explain everything clearly without losing the reader’s interest. Your writing style is so inviting, and it makes the entire reading experience feel like a conversation. I can tell that a lot of effort went into this, and it definitely paid off. Keep up the fantastic work—I’m excited to see what you’ll write next!
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This blog post is incredibly insightful! I appreciate your breaking down such a complex topic into easy-to-understand points. The examples and actionable tips stand out—especially the section on It’s exactly the kind of guidance I was searching for. Have you considered creating a follow-up post diving deeper into I’d love to read more on that. Thanks for such valuable content!
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